BAVARIA table 150x80

The Bavaria 150x80 table is used outdoors, especially on terraces, balconies and gardens. Due to its shape and size, it is suitable for use on smaller outdoor areas, such as apartment terraces or small gardens. It is designed as an outdoor furniture element that can be used for various purposes, such as dining, socializing or working outdoors. Due to its durability and resistance to weather conditions, it is suitable for long-term outdoor use without the need for regular maintenance.

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7-20 days
Con: 665

BAVARIA table 150x80 cm

The Bavaria table is an outdoor table made with an Inoxlook anodized aluminum structure and a panel of profiled aluminum slats covered with a special UV-resistant and scratch-resistant thermoplastic material. The color of the Bavaria tabletop is a teak color that imitates the look of wood.

The Bavaria table is intended for outdoor use and is particularly suitable for terraces, balconies and gardens. The Inoxlook anodized aluminum structure gives the table greater resistance to corrosion and greater durability, even in weather-exposed outdoor environments. In addition, the panel is made of profiled aluminum slats covered with a thermoplastic material, which makes the table resistant to atmospheric factors such as rain and sun.

The Bavaria table is available in several color combinations, among others.

  • Inoxlook/Teak,
  • Anthracite/Teak
  • Inoxlook/Grey.

These color options offer a wide range of options to suit different exterior styles and designs.

More Information
Length 150
Weight 19 kg

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